Is this the price you pay for the employment that you get in the maximum city of Mumbai? About 70-80 years ago an illiterate, farmer woman from Jalgaon district - a Marathi poetess Bahinaabai had asked a very valid question....
मानसा मानसा कधी व्हशील मानूस
लोभासाठी झाला मानसाचा रे कानूस
hey man, when we will be become a HUMAN?Greed has turned you into a beast.
Evolutionists may have labeled our species as Homo Sapiens but in reality is that true? When will the terrorism end and we will have humanity?
Another evening- in our upper middle class apartment complex. A group of young mothers walking around with their babies. Someone mentions about a lady-Anita(name changed) on the 8th floor whose husband died of heart attach in Saudi Arabia. I am unable to even remember her face as i am too busy in my own world. As those ladies decided to visit Anita...i also follow them. The house is full of trendy furniture and two small daughters are playing around with expensive toys from overseas. The house looks like that dry desert in the Gulf where he had gone. He had gone there to make a fortune but he is lost forever and so is her fortune. Friends shed a few tears, someone cuddles the girls. Even the elder girl doesn't understand the gravity of the situation. All these educated, well settled ladies are shaken up thinking that this could have happened to me! Although the society has changed a lot in the past 100 years, facing loss of a beloved husband and bread winner so early is extremely tough. Bahinaabai went through a similar tragedy at an early age but she really must have been a very strong person. She never blamed her destiny.
In fact Bahinaabai never trusted any astrologer. In this 21st century, we have many experts in astrology, tarot card readers, healers and baba. She did not want anybody's help or guidance on what to do. She knew that they are all fake. She accepted the challenges and struggles of life as they came.
बापा नको मारु थापा
असो खर्या, असो खोट्या
नहि नशिब नशिब
तय हाताच्या रेघोट्या
नको नको रे जोतिष्या
नको हात माझा पाहू
माझं दैव मला कये
माझ्या दारी नको येऊ
Hey Palmist Baba, don't tell me anything,
Whether true or false,
It is not my fate,
These are just lines on my palms,
Hey Palmist Baba don't,
Don't look at my palms,
I know my destiny,
Don't come to my door
Don't come to my door again!!
अरे खोप्यामधी खोपा
अरे खोप्यामधी खोपा
सुगरनीचा चांगला
देखा पिलासाठी तिनं
झोका झाडाले टांगला..
Look at the Weaver Bird's nest which is really the best,
Look... for her baby she has hung a cradle on the tree.
पिलं निजले खोप्यात
जसा झूलता बंगला
तिचा पिलामधि जीव
जीव झाडाले टांगला..!
Baby sleeps in the nest which is like a hanging bungalow,
Her life is in the baby,
And her whole life is hangs on the tree.....( appreciate the pun on the word LIFE)
खोपा इनला इनला
जसा गिलक्याचा कोसा
पाखराची कारागिरी
जरा देख रे मानसा !
Look at the nest which is weaved like dried ridge gourd,
Hey man, just look at the workmanship of the birdie
तिची उलूशीच चोच,
तेच दात, तेच ओठ
तुले देले रे देवानं
दोन हात दहा बोटं ?
She has a little beak,
Which serves her as lips and teeth,
(Be thankful that) God has given you
Two hands and ten fingers!
- बहीणाबाई चौधरी ( BahiNaa BaI Chaudhari)
I keep reciting the last stanza whenever, i am depressed or worked up. It gives me a lot of strength. Bahinaabai was amazing! Whole day she would work in the farm and she would see the reflection of the whole universe in the black soil. She did not go to a school but she could read the nature and destiny. She did not have a degree in Psychology but she understood the mysteries of the mind. If you can understand Bahinaabai's poetry and live as per them, then you will never have any problems in life.
p.s. To know more about Bahinabai- Atul Pethe has made an excellent film on her.
The poetry in your interpretation is lovely--Bahinaabai seeing the cosmos in the Earth...I wish I could understand her verse in Marathi but your translations give me a good sense of her imagery. Athena
Yes, Bahinabai's poems and Sane Guruji's teachings are great inspiration for all of us. Your article brought these pearls of wisdom - that were lurking somewhere in deep recesses - to mind's foreground. Thanks for that very heartfelt article.
Thanks Athena and Padmaja!
I wish we could make the next generation sensitive to these things...
As a teacher, i find it very difficult.
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